Bike Paths, Cold Rivers, and Trail Markers
Curtis and I had planned to bike around wine country this weekend, but, as we should have expected, it was your traditional end of September scorcher of a day. Instead we decided to take the opportunity to swim in Yosemite, and bike around the valley there. We had been avoiding the valley all summer because of the hoards of people everywhere. I enjoy people watching to a degree, but we…

North Dome, Not the North Pole
Trailhead: Porcupine Creek Trailhead, off of Tioga Rd / Hwy 120
Distance: ~9 miles. Slightly downhill on way out and then uphill on the way back. The end of this hike take you onto granite slopes and it is probably best if you wear some shoes with traction & not your foam Tevas like I did.

Northwest for a wedding
Curtis and I adventured this labor day weekend to the Oakland California airport through 5:30 am bay area traffic, across the state of Oregon, and many mountains Curtis told me the name of, to Spokane Washington, then Flathead Lake Montana, for the wedding of Two or Curtis’s friends from college, Rick and Adair. The mountains in the northwest seem very different than the Sierra Nevada by us, and it was a really great time meeting…
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