Halloween 2011
Our Original Halloween Plans: Attend the Jam-music-fest Hangtown Halloween Ball in Placerville as 1 MC Hammer and coordinating Hammerhead Shark. But when it comes down to it, who wants to make a hammer head shark costume and pay mucho $$$ to see music? Exspecialy when you know our new cat Herman will be intent on trying to make you stab him with the needle and thread you meant to make…
San Francisco Meets My Mom
In early June Mom kicked off summer with visit to California. A very wet, rainy, and mild weathered trip to California. Despite the lack of sun in the state I think she managed to enjoy herself in our whirlwind tour of Yosemite/Groveland, San Francisco, Point Reyes, and Grass Valley/Nevada City. Not sure if I managed to convince her it was WAY better than Southern CA, but she is getting there…
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