Lower Cathedral Lake Hike – A late fall hike
Trailhead: Tioga Rd / Hwy 120, on the West side of Tuolumne Meadows by the Cathedral Lakes sign. Parking here is pullout/parallel and usually a mess so you should see the line of cars as you approach.
Distance: ~7 miles (out and back). climbing mostly in the hike “out”, & descending in the back “back”

Our one day in Big Sur
For as much as I have heard about how beautiful Big Sur is I didn’t really know much about Big Sur. What I did know: there would be cliffs with magnificent ocean views, a relatively underpopulated coastline, and (thanks to my Mom) that there was some famous bridge there. It was with this minimal knowledge that my parents started down Coastal Hwy 1 towards the Bixby bridge and some dot on the map called “Big Sur” to see…

Traveling to the Coast – Monterey and Artichokes
My parents had a nice long visit here in California, 10 whole days, and as lovely as Yosemite and the mountains are it isn’t quite the whole West Coast experience if you don’t get out to the coast! So we planned to get out to visit Big Sur, stay in Monterey, and hit up a few tourist attractions along the way… including this Giant Artichoke in Castroville! Next time I find myself…

Mariposa Grove – Without an overpriced Tram Ticket!
Trailhead: Mariposa Grove Rd/Parking lot off of Hwy 41. Might be necessary to take a shuttle in peak times of year.
Distance: ~ 2 miles round trip to Grizzly Giant & Tunnel Tree. The trail is moderately sloped on the hike out.
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