What Does Your Hiking Beer Say About You?

What Beer Are You?

All those buzzfeed quizzes, like “What age are you really?” and “Which Miyazaki Character Are You?”, have apparently permeated my subconscious. At least permeated it enough to have thought at one point: “What does your hiking brew really say about you? should be a buzzfeed quiz.” Only, you know, if buzzfeed was made for nerdy hikers who also drink beer. Which is pretty niche, so I decided to do it myself!

What Does Your Hiking Brew Say About You?

Of course if this was buzzfeed I would ask you random questions and present you with a beer at the end, but lets not play. We all know what beers are our go-to adventure brews. So find your beer of choice below and see what buzzfeed might have said about you.

The hiker who brings along a canned classic is always ready for adventure. What does your hiking brew say about you?

The hiker who brings along a glass bottle is just too cool for cans. What does your hiking brew say about you?

The hiker who brings along a canned microbrew is seriously classy. What does your hiking brew say about you?

(This microbrew was definitely made with Trails in mind)

The hiker who waits to get back to bar is all business on the trail. What does your hiking brew say about you?

The hiker who drinks a Canadian brew has their priorities. What does your hiking brew say about you?

(This Canadian one is obviously a shout out to my Michiganders!)

Hikers who bring along a Bomber always know how to celebrate the journey! Which hiking brew you are you?

Seriously now, this is completely just for fun and not made to be taken seriously. Also I wanted to brush up on my vector drawing skills… which I think are not too shabby! (Can you tell which beers I was trying to draw? I hope so.)

Always remember to adventure safely while enjoying your drink of choice ;)