Butte, MT to Twin Falls, ID: Day 3 of Trip to California
After two days of driving until you want to die, the fun-er and less strenuous portion of the journey came next. This ensured that I would be able to check out more of the sights and attractions that Curtis would pretend to not like, but secretly enjoy. So before we left butte would check out three classic “Only in Montana” tourist attractions, and force Josh to drive the three (Basil included) of us around the sketch city.
- The Berkley Pit, a mile by half mile open pit opper mine that was in opperation between 1955-1982. Of course it is a superfund site, but when you pay the $2 to see it from the official veiwing station, the little informational plaques inform you how the industrial revolution couldn’t have happened without the pit, and how the waste water treatment plant is going strong for now, and indefinatly… no worries.
View Larger Map - The Dumas Brothel was on the historic national register, and thus we thought it an interesting side trip… and talk about creepy, we didn’t pay for the tour, but just walking around the place makes you happy you never had to be a “Working Girl”
- Our lady of Rockies: A GIANT mother Mary statue on the continental divide. Curtis didn’t want to take the 2hour bus tour to the top (Guaranteed inspiration), but right before we drove away from town the sjy ckeared and we could see her though the clouds!
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