Halloween 2011
Our Original Halloween Plans: Attend the Jam-music-fest Hangtown Halloween Ball in Placerville as 1 MC Hammer and coordinating Hammerhead Shark.
But when it comes down to it, who wants to make a hammer head shark costume and pay mucho $$$ to see music? Exspecialy when you know our new cat Herman will be intent on trying to make you stab him with the needle and thread you meant to make your costume with.
Instead we embodied Crocodile Rock, or rather a crocodile and a rock, at the Evergreen jamming out to Tracorum. We didn’t even try to dress up Basil this year, but did give him an apple to honor the fall spirit. And, I made the most outstanding Disapproving Rabbit themed pumpkin in all of PML (or so I assume).
Incidentally, Curtis had never seen the Muppets version of Crocodile Rock. Sometimes I worry about him.
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