Hoppy Halloween!
This could potentially be our cutest Halloween yet: Basil sniffed a pumpkin, the presence of cute animals at the apple farm, Curtis and I went as matching safari man & giraffe, and there was a bunny-kitten pumpkin!
A Halloween this cute doesn’t come without it’s sacrifices though. Curtis and I had a long day trying to come up with a Halloween costume for him, which almost resulted in a dollar store foam crocodile hat (actually it was supposed to be a dinosaur, oops) before we got back on track. And after slaving away making Basil a costume, he was going to be the hurried rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, he rejected the coat from even being draped on top of him. This was documented as:
The offending garment, made from the hobo jacket I wore every year for MTU’s homecoming in the pepband would have been cute. Next year maybe a new costume made our of bunny treats will go better…
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