Northwest for a wedding
Curtis and I adventured this labor day weekend to the Oakland California airport through 5:30 am bay area traffic, across the state of Oregon, and many mountains Curtis told me the name of, to Spokane Washington, then Flathead Lake Montana, for the wedding of Two or Curtis’s friends from college, Rick and Adair.
The mountains in the northwest seem very different than the Sierra Nevada by us, and it was a really great time meeting lots of Curtis’s relatives in person in Spokane, meeting his friends at the beautiful wedding by flathead lake, and going to Glacier National Park !
We took too many pictures on this trip, so there is a lot to look though below. In the interest of keeping it brief though, let this .Gif explaining how fantastic Marmots are:
If you have trouble viewing the images above, consider updating Flash, or check out the alternative gallery here (Mom, you should let me know if any of this works with the computer at home!)
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