Sweet Creek Falls: Florence, Oregon #ThrowbackThursday
Throwing back today to a great hike that I did in 2012 while visiting Curtis’s college friend Chris in Eugene, Oregon – Sweet Creek Falls.
Our whole visit to Eugene was awesome, I remember thinking “I should blog about this” but for some reason never got around to it. There was so much good beer, good vegetarian food, and the Eugene farmers market is really top notch. Looking back that is probably why I didn’t blog about it back then, I was too busy recovering from the sudden return to a place without vegan fast-food and kombucha on tap.
Anyhow, Sweet Creek Falls!
Sweet Creek Falls, Siuslaw National Forest
Mileage: 2.2miles out and back, I think there might have been a slight loop option, but the river was pretty so we wanted to see it twice ;)
Trailhead: Like I said I was not the driver – I think I might have been napping to avoid car sickness? Map of the location here though: EveryTrail & Google
I might have had so much fun in Eugene that I needed to do some Google sleuthing to remind myself of the name of these falls – not because it wasn’t worth remembering, but because I think I was being driven around with no idea where I was at that point. I knew we were going to the coast eventually, but first we were going for a hike.
This trail is really a nice gentle walk with lots of areas to stop and enjoy the creek as it cascades, maybe putting your feet into the water or going for a swim if the weather permitted. I didn’t swim, it was fall, but it was a warm enough day that some hearty kids were still splashing around somewhere. Instead I remember being enamored with how mossy everything is here. Also there is this “catwalk” that raises the trail above the creek level by bolting slf like into the rock. Now that is is some ambitious trail building! the Eugene-ites(?) must love their National Forest.
It was a short trip into the Siuslaw National Forest, but I wouldn’t mind coming back someday – I hear they have quite a few other nice waterfalls, and some tasty food back in Eugene!
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