Home is Where the Bunny is
As much as I love adventures – and am I ever behind of adventure type blogs – Right now I instead want to take this time to talk about my bunny, Basil, and consequently my home. Home can be many places, with family and friends, and of course – where the bunny is. Basil the Bunny, despite his hatred for car rides, has traveled the country and called many places home. My…

Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) for Outdoors Bloggers?
Have you heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) before? It when creative type drop everything and attempt to write a full novel in one month. People love it, some writers hate it, and recently I found out about the equivalent for bloggers – National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). The challenge is to blog everyday in November. But why do NaBloPoMo? Personally I am starting a new job this month and…

Quinn’s Hot Springs – Relaxing and Hiking
This year was a pretty intense year for Christmas time traveling for me – up to Eastern Washington, then over to Seattle, back to Spokane, over to Montana for Quinn’s hot springs, to Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho, back to the airport and finally home again in again with Basil and Herman. In the next few days I hope to get up at least another blog about the trip – but…

If your house was burning what would you take?
Today I was reading a blog called The Burning House. It asks a simple but fascinating question – If your house was burning what would you take? Since I actually did pack up stuff for the Rim Fire evacuation this year immediately thought, what was it I took? Plus I was already planning to do a little update latter this week on how the Stanislaus National Forest is looking after…

The Rim Fire from Groveland
In case you have not heard, the big news around Groveland & this stretch of of the Sierra recently has been the Rim Fire, currently at 228,680 acres & the 4th largest wildfire in California history. Curtis, I, and our pets (Basil and Herman) are now back at home and safe, but it was an adventure getting here! We survived home evacuations, road closures, visitors, and backpacking trips during this chaotic…

Halloween 2011
Our Original Halloween Plans: Attend the Jam-music-fest Hangtown Halloween Ball in Placerville as 1 MC Hammer and coordinating Hammerhead Shark. But when it comes down to it, who wants to make a hammer head shark costume and pay mucho $$$ to see music? Exspecialy when you know our new cat Herman will be intent on trying to make you stab him with the needle and thread you meant to make…

Hoppy Halloween!
This could potentially be our cutest Halloween yet: Basil sniffed a pumpkin, the presence of cute animals at the apple farm, Curtis and I went as matching safari man & giraffe, and there was a bunny-kitten pumpkin! A Halloween this cute doesn’t come without it’s sacrifices though. Curtis and I had a long day trying to come up with a Halloween costume for him, which almost resulted in a dollar…

Lovelock, NV to Groveland, CA: The Finale of Our Roadtrip!
The finale is a bit of an overstatement. It was more like a great pleasure to get out of California Lake Tahoe Memorial Day traffic and find our hotel that basil took an instant liking to. Meaning he wanted to chew all the antique furniture, of course (We bunny proofed!). Leaving Lovelock, NV we put our lovers lock on the chain in the town that replicates an ancient Chinese tradition of people putting…

Houghton, Michigan to Bismark, ND: Day 1 of a trip to California
Outside my window on 901 Houghton Ave there is a bird who in the morning calls a little song, wee-woo. As Curtis and Basil and I finally set off on our trip to California leaving Houghton behind the wee-woo brid was calling at me. Anyhow, Day 1, arguably the longest day of our journey though the back roads of the UP, Wisconsin and Minnesota before finally reaching one long and…
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