Groveland Gears and Grooves Triathlon: My 1st Three Sport Event
I bought a triathlon-suit sometime the fall before last off of Steep and Cheap. Like most Steep and Cheap purchases it was a complete impulse purchase because it was both so cheap and a little aspirational. I enjoy running, but had not been biking more than a few miles to yoga/the odd yearly killer bike ride after which I couldn’t walk the next day. And swimming… by that you mean jumping in…

Copper Run 10k: Exploring Copperopolis One Kilometer at a Time
Winter in the foothills is the ideal time for race – at least in the current rainless winter we are having – and whether or not it is raining it has to be better than running in blister hot summer temperatures. The 23rd annual Copper Run was held on January 24th, 2015 and it wasn’t raining. It was a beautiful “Winter” day (I mean, I would like to have some rain,…

Santa Run Sacramento: This is what its like running in a festive felt suit
Yesterday Curtis, Trails + fam, and I took an early morning trip to downtown Sacramento for the 2nd annual Sacramento Santa Run. Trail’s had invited us along, and thanks to a coupon code it seemed like a pretty good deal for a “Themed Race”… you know those races where everyone pays a large registration fee to run, usually dressed up, through mud or colors or suds or idontknowbacongrease(it’s-probably-happened). Plus it’s hard to be a…

I Just Tried High Intensity Training – & Yes, it was intense
This evening I tried a R.I.P.P.E.D. training class down in Sonora. I have been looking at my different options for getting some exercise in after work, even though it is consistently dark out by the time I get home – which is sad because I would really just love a run in the sunshine, but that will have to wait for the weekend (coming soon because it is Thanksgiving!). All…

Haiku about tomorrow’s Calaveras River Fun Run
Not running too far, But waking at 5 AM? I should go to bed. I’m doing the Calaveras River Fun Run 5K tomorrow. It’s at 8am, but I have to get up pretty early to get to Stockton in time. Good night!

This is what you need to know if you are running the Warrior Dash…
… Don’t get sick right before you run it. Seriously, I have been intermittently coughing and unable to speak for a week and a half straight. It is not fun. Although, maybe pushing through the race while sick is a very “Warrior” thing to do? NorCal Warrior Dash The warrior dash is 5k-ish (our race was 3.4 miles) with an assortment of obstacles. It is one of many generic mud/obstacle…

2013 MOO-nlight Half Marathon (Davis, CA)
It has been a couple of weeks since the I ran the Moo-nlight Half Marathon in Davis, but I was waiting for the official photos from the event to see if any were good. “Good” because Curtis did take photos of me at the race, but they are from the sidelines, and I wanted to see if any of the up close ones alright. But, as any runner should know……

Michigan Shore-to-Shore Trail
The last couple of days I have spent my days in the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan – visiting with my granny and aunt (and mom!), enjoying Lake Huron’s sandy shores, and by surprise discovering the Michigan Shore-to-Shore Trail while trail running this Friday. Although I have never heard of the Michigan Shore-to-Shore trail before, this 220-ish mile trail trekking from Lake Huron to Lake Michigan has me wondering how I…

Big Creek Trail, the Flattest Trail in Groveland
I am training to run my second half marathon! Hopefully in another 8-ish weeks time I will be blazing through the Davis Moo-nlight half marathon like a pro. Alternatively you might find me limping past the finish line in the horrible central valley heat . Either way, I am pretty excited for the glow in the dark medals you receive for finishing. Plus, it is convenient before Curtis & I’s busiest backpacking months (so hopefully we can avoid injury from over-training/hiking?). Currently…
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