Halloween 2011
Our Original Halloween Plans: Attend the Jam-music-fest Hangtown Halloween Ball in Placerville as 1 MC Hammer and coordinating Hammerhead Shark. But when it comes down to it, who wants to make a hammer head shark costume and pay mucho $$$ to see music? Exspecialy when you know our new cat Herman will be intent on trying to make you stab him with the needle and thread you meant to make…
Hoppy Halloween!
This could potentially be our cutest Halloween yet: Basil sniffed a pumpkin, the presence of cute animals at the apple farm, Curtis and I went as matching safari man & giraffe, and there was a bunny-kitten pumpkin! A Halloween this cute doesn’t come without it’s sacrifices though. Curtis and I had a long day trying to come up with a Halloween costume for him, which almost resulted in a dollar…
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