Gaylor Peak Hike
Tioga Pass isn’t opened yet – but since almost all of the other passes in our neck of the Sierra are open, I am channeling my anxiousness into a blog post about one of my favorite short hikes on Tioga Pass: Gaylor Peak. Specifically the first and most memorable time was the first during the strangely snow-less 2011-2012 winter, a December Hike with our friend from Michigan Tech, Kris. Or as I like to think of it: Midwesterners…

Day Hiking Mt. Watkins, Yosemite – Sweet Solace Off the Trail
Trailhead: Olmsted Point, off of Tioga Rd / Hwy 41
Distance: ~ 9 miles out and back. Trail is fairly level with just enough climb in the way out that you will appreciate gravity’s help on the way back.

Day Hiking Clouds Rest, Yosemite – Resting with the Clouds
Trailhead: Sunset Lakes, Tioga Rd / Hwy 120 on the West end of Tenaya Lake
Distance: ~ 14 miles out and back. Good and steep on the way out, with downhill on the hike back.

Windy Mountain
In which I agreed to visit Curtis in Wyoming and hike up a mountain, in search of a latrine hanging off the side of a mountain that one guy remembered was pretty epic in the 80’s. With lots of rivers to ford, and little signage, the trail disappeared into the mountain and after jumping between three different “peaks” an old Indian trade arrow, and the wind at our backs, led…
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