Indian Creek Trail, Stanislaus National Forest: From Groveland down to the Tuolumne River
I like to think that part of the allure of the upper Tuolumne River is that it is a little mysterious. My house in Groveland, CA is about three miles from the Tuolumne as the crow flies, but it’s not a simple hop, skip, and jump over to the river. Yes you can drive down to the Tuolumne on Forest Service roads, but you will know you are driving down into…

The Melones Dam Overlook & DamNation Documentary: For a Rainy Sunday
This Sunday I went for a walk down by the New Melones Dam, an area with a lot of Bureau of Reclamation signage. Curtis joked about trespassing, but this geocache owner says that a Bureau of Reclamation ranger said it was okay to walk in this area. I’m not saying it is for everyone, but if you are looking at visiting the New Melones/Peoria area trails I would recommend checking out the…

When You Don’t Reach Your Destination – Preston Falls, Stanislaus NF
Hiking with a destination in mind it sort of my thing. I like goals – or at least a solid turnaround point/time. I don’t like it when I can’t reach my planned destination. I hate it when I miss my destination without even knowing. That is what happened today on my hike to Preston Falls – I walked 4.4 miles, like All Trails said, and I did reach a fall. I…

Little Golden Trail, Groveland CA: Little, but is it Golden?
Earlier this month Curtis and I abandoned ship on an expedition to Hobron Hill (the hill next to Smith Peak with a different radio tower on it. The obvious road up is blocked by a gate on a tiny private parcel of land before the road becomes forest service. I just wanted to go because of the crazy website!) – Anyhow we decided not to completely give up on at least…

The Stanislaus National Forest is OPEN!
There has been a forest order(s) closing down most of the Groveland district of the Stanislaus National Forest since the Rim Fire started in August 2013. Now over a year later the order is expiring and we are allowed back into our backyards! I really want to go into the forest sometime soon just for the heck of knowing I can – but I have heard a lot of rumors saying…

Take a Groveland Hike! – Smith Peak, Stanislaus
Did you know today is “Take a Hike Day”? Neither did I until Trails’ Guide informed me! To celebrate I am posting about my favorite “local” Groveland hike – Smith Peak! Smith Peak Fire Lookout, Stanislaus National Forest/Groveland, CA Trailhead: I park at the Pines Campground then hike up to the peak along the dirt road. I think at certain times of year this road open to vehicles, but doesn’t that…

Jordan Oak, Stanislaus National Forest: A Quick Trip for Tree Huggers
There are many different types of oak tree: Valley Oak, Poison Oak, and the Canyon Live Oak are all pretty common in the Groveland area. The Jordan Oak tree is one of the biggest Live Oak trees you have probably seen. I don’t claim to be very knowledgeable in trees/forests/silviculture/botany/soils. I mean, I try to remember how to identify some important ones – but I’m happy to learn (or relearn)…

Hiking Bull Run Lake, Stanislaus National Forest Amid Hunting Season
It was one of those weekends where the mountains are plastered in clouds, rain, fog, and at certain elevations snow – while it was a warm perfect autumn day down in the foothills by Groveland and Murphys. Despite the better weather at lower elevations I was determined to head up into the Sierra Nevada Forest. I had failed to wash the tent with waterproofing, so backpacking was out of the…

Backpacking Gem Lake, Emigrant Wilderness: A Tale of Lakes & Mosquitoes
On the first weekend in June I went on my second backpacking trip into the Emigrant Wilderness. I wanted to do a short trip to test some gear (a new sleeping bag & water filter!) before my trip on the Tahoe Rim Trail (next week!!!) but not have to travel far from Groveland. Plus, it seems odd that I have not explored the Emigrant more. Overnight Backpacking to Gem Lake, Emigrant Wilderness,…
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