For now, we have crappy phone pictures of sweet velvet space paintings

For now, we have crappy phone pictures of sweet velvet space paintings

Someday, Curtis and I will post pictures from our trip to Yosemite. For now, we have crappy phone pictures of sweet velvet space paintings in notable Groveland Antique stores!

Adding to that list of something, as soon as I figure out how, and why, my camera SD card has a virus, and as soon as we shelves to finish un-packing, I will post photos of the new place. If you are so curious, we have a fantastic veiw of some golf course hills, and resident deer that I named Bucky, who has velvet horns and sometimes sleeps under our deck.

The main reason of this post was the velvet space art. The secondary reason being anouther link to Basil hopping down the stairs: This one is for the poor souls that haven’t already seen how cute Basil can be ;)

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