Backpacking Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite – Day 3: Rancheria Falls to O’Shaughnessy Dam
This three-day loop in the wilderness of Hetch Hetchy was my second ever solo backpacking trip. My first was a three day trip in the southern part of Yosemite. This Hetch Hetchy trip was much different, and easier, than the first – and not because I am getting “better” at solo backpacking. I think what made this trip easier was how I rarely felt isolated. On the last trip, I…

Backpacking Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite – Day 2: Vernon Lake to Rancheria Falls
As the seasons in Yosemite change, so do the annoying pests that join along on hikes uninvited. The early summer brings mosquitoes, in mid-summer you might run into a biting flies, but during the hot dry late late summer days it is the face gnats that run the show. I did this solo backpacking trip to Rancheria Falls in September 2018, firmly during the hot dry late summer. The hike…

Backpacking Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite – Day 1: O’Shaughnessy Dam to Lake Vernon
TilTill Valley was once featured in an old backpacker magazine article, and I have been wanting to hike this Yosemite backpacking loop since I saw that. The article is lost, or recycled, so I can only remember the description of the lush valley in vague terms. It was supposed to be wildflower paradise, an accessible glimpse into Yosemite’s hidden wilderness meadows. Of course, I did this hike in September (9/2018)…

Point Reyes Backpacking the Southern Loop to Glen Camp: Lake Ranch and Coast Trail
I’ve been lucky in reserving last minute backpacking permits in Point Reyes during weekends forecasted to be rainy and miserable. Both times the permit was for Glen Camp. I think of Glen Camp as one of the less mysterious and alluring sounding camps in along the National Seashore (I’m looking at you “Sky” and “Coast” camps). To be fair, Curtis argues these names are more lazy than mysterious… but then…

Backpacking Virginia Lakes to Green Creek – Day 3 to Green Creek Trailhead
Sometimes the hike out is a real grind. Other times it is 3.5 miles downhill. The last day of our Hoover Wilderness 2018 Independence Day backpacking trip was the second type. Curtis and I have also done a day hike here, from the Green Creek Campground up to Green Lake on a lazy east side car camping weekend. Green Lake, and if your ambitious East or West Lakes, are well…

Backpacking Virginia Lakes to Green Creek – Day 2 to West Lake
In my experience from backpacking in the Hoover Wilderness, one of the worst times of year for mosquitoes usually falls right around the Forth of July. It happened in 2013 on Buckeye Pass, it happened again in 2016 at Crown Lake, and now again in 2018… Summit Lake wasn’t all that bad. But here is the real scoop: GREEN LAKE IS TERRIBLE. But not as bad as Gilman Lake, definitely…

Backpacking Virginia Lakes to Green Creek – Day 1 to Summit Lake & Yosemite
The Virginia Lakes and Green Creek trails into the Hoover Wilderness can make for a stunning day hike. Curtis and I have spent past weekends leisurely exploring the first few miles of both of these areas. At one point, I think I spent a solid hour at Blue Lake willing a pika to pop out the rocks. It looks like there should be pikas there! Obviously I said YES when…

Dewey Point, Yosemite: Get Stuck Winter Camping Here
Contemplating a wintertime Yosemite visit? Mark my words: Someone is bound to get stuck in the snow. For example, while driving into and out of Badger Pass there is always more then one vehicle slammed into a snow bank. I could feel our car shift and try to fishtail as we approached the many shadowed portions along the road. With luck and an abundance of caution we made it safely…

Backpacking Kerrick Meadow, Yosemite & Peeler Lake: Days 2 & 3 of Independence Day 2016 Trip
If Kerrick Meadows is the Northern Sister to Tuolumne Meadows, then Peeler Lake is Cathedral Lake’s Northern cousin. It is a really nice lake, the approach from the meadows has deep drop offs from the granite boulders with crystal clear waters
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